If you´re a small business owner or self-employed individual you´ll need to keep track of your finances, prepare annual accounts and stay on top of your tax returns. Using a specialist, online, small business and contractor accountant is the best way to achieve a high standard of expert, hassle-free service and online visibility, at an affordable fixed monthly fee.
Katie Frost
Katie and Simon wanted to branch out on their own in the web design and event management sector and wanted a limited company.
We helped Bright Five set up a company and advised them on how to operate and manage it. Once the company was established, we helped advise on employing staff and various aspects of growing a business.
Bright Five have been using Clever Accounts since 2005 and have found that they have helped the smooth running of our business immensely.
It is reassuring when I do have questions I can contact my accountant who is happy to give advice.
Darren Marks
Darren transferred his businesses across to us in 2008 as he was not happy with the fees and advice given by his current accountant.
Subsequently, Darren has expanded and, helped by advice and support from us, has added some great software apps to compliment his successful sole trader consultancy business.
Clever Accounts have made it simpler to manage our accounting from wherever we are.
The excellent advice and personal service we have received from them have enabled us to manage the growth of our business easily and effortlessly.
Chris Banes
Chris approached us in 2011 as he wanted advice on his new software application designed for facebook users.
Following detailed specific advice given to him, we set up a limited company to use as the vehicle to sell his product.
In the meantime, he accepted a contract as a software engineer and the new limited company has been extremely useful for this income stream as well.
Clever Accounts really know their stuff and have helped me greatly in starting out.
Ian Mcafee
Ian first joined in 2007 as a contractor. He recognised the benefit of using an accountant with their own bookkeeping system that could provide pro-active advice during the year instead of sometime after.
Ian's circumstances changed for a while and he didn't need the company so we downgraded his service to dormant status. However, on his return to contracting he came straight back to us to continue the service.
Now, Ian is branching out into other areas on his own, such as managing Office365.
At last, a business friendly accountant.
Clever Accounts have made it simpler to manage our accounting from wherever we are.
It is reassuring when I do have questions I can contact my accountant who is happy to give advice.
Bright Five LtdI can't recommend Chris and his team highly enough. A painless service :)
I can honestly say that I have been delighted with their service.
DT Projects LtdClever Accounts really know their stuff and has helped me greatly in starting out.
Senab LtdWe're hugely pleased with Chris and look forward to working with him for many years.
Oakley Steel LtdBy the way, you were referred to my by my colleague who speaks very highly of you!
Camtheo Consulting LtdAt last, a business friendly accountant.